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Previous Kittens
Here are pictures of our lollicats sent to us by their new families. We love watching all of our babies grow up!
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Yogi (formerly Peppermint Paulie)
Hard at work

Kiara (formerly Baby Ruth)
Kiara was just a tiny 5 wk old baby here.

Kiara at almost a year.

Pez at 10 wks

Pez at 7 months
He is one of our all time favorite kitties :)

Samurai at 5 wks. What a heartbreaker!

Samurai cuddling with his doggy sibling.

Butters has such a sweet face!

Butters loves his parents!
Still has that sweet face at 1 yr old :)

Little Jake at 6 weeks old. Renamed Galen

Galen (formerly Jake) all grown up
Absolutely gorgeous boy!
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